
Amazaning! The AW101 helicopter in utility гole can accommodate a maximum of 45 troops

The AgustaWestland AW101 is a modern naval utility helicopter. Originally this chopper was known as Eurocopter Industries EH101. It was jointly developed and produced by Agusta of Italy and Westland Helicopters of United Kingdom.

A UK proposal to replace the Sea King was the inspiration behind the EH 101. Later, the design was altered to satisfy the demands of both the Italian navy and the Royal Navy. European Helicopter Industries Ltd was founded by Westland and Agusta, and in 1984 it got official approval for the development of the EH 101 and its nine prototypes. In 1987, the first prototype flew for the first time.

AgustaWestland was created in 2000 by the merger of Agusta and Westland Helicopters. This helicopter has been sold as the AgustaWestland AW101 since 2007. This helicopter is available in utility and anti-submarine versions. Italy and the United Kingdom both use the EH101/AW101. Algeria, Canada (CH-149 Cormorant), Denmark, Nigeria, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, and Turkmenistan are among the countries that have imported it. It is manufactured under license in Japan (Kawasaki MCH-101) in the US. It’s important to note that this helicopter is referred to as a Merlin in Portugal, Britain, and Denmark.

The initial Royal Navy variant is the Merlin HM.1 which is equipped with a Blue Kestrel 360° search radar. The first of 44 on order was delivered in 1998. The Italian navy EH 101s are powered by GE T700-GE-T6A engines, each rated at 1 714 shp. Aside from its principal anti-submarine ωɑɾʄɑɾε role, the AW 101 is also envisaged for utility and transport missions. Some roles can be performed using the same basic fuselage as the naval helicopter but, alternatively, the EH 101 could be fitted with a modified rear fuselage incorporating a ventral ramp/door. Systems and equipment vary with role and customer.

Utility version of the AW101 accommodates 26 soldiers. Payload capacity is around 4 000 – 5 000 kg. This amount of cargo can be carried internally or under slung. In 2000 the RAF began to receive the first of 22 ordered Merlin HC.Mk 3 medium-lift transports. These can accommodate a maximum of 45 troops or up to 6 000 kg of freight carried internally or as a slung load. The first customer for the utility variant was to have been Canada, which ordered 15 EH 101s for search and rescue duties, along with 35 naval variants.

The entire Canadian programme was subsequently cancelled on budget and political grounds, but, in January 1998, the Canadian government placed a new order for 15 examples of the revised AW320 Cormorant SAR version. Further development of the AW101 could result in an airborne early warning version of the type required by both the Italian navy and Royal Navy. A HH-101A Caesar is a special operations helicopter. It first appeared in 2013 and was adopted by Italian Air Force in 2015. It performs a wide range of missions, such as combat search and rescue, transport, recovery, air support and other special operations missions.


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