Why Dave Bautista’s portrayal of Drax will be remembered as one of the MCU’s best performances

Dave Bautista officially concluded his time playing Drax The Destroyer following the conclusion of filming the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.  3, and as recent quotes from him…

Was Jesus An Alien?

Jesus’ alien heritage came to light as the result of joint U.S. and Israeli archaeological digs over many years. The purpose of the digs was to locate and…

What if we discover a planet like Earth with intelligent life that is 500 years behind us in terms of technology and progress?

What would we do if we found an Earth-like planet with intelligent life that is 500 years behind in technology and advancements? What if we find this alien,…

The Ilkley Moor Alien

The case of the Ilkley Moor alien is one of the most debatable cases of alien abduction ever recorded in the United Kingdom because of the concerns surrounding…

There are just a few weeks till the release of Ant-Man 3, but it appears like filming is still ongoing.

Ant-Man may not be as big a deal as Iron Man or Spider-Man, but the microscopic superhero has become a major player in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The…

Aliens have repeatedly colonized Earth, according to the head of Canada’s UFO program.

The head of the Canadian covert UFO Magnet project, Wilbert Smith, worked as a senior radio engineer for the Canadian government’s Department of Transportation in the late 1940s…

Are alien abductions real, fiction, or a sign of what’s to come?

The reports of alien abductions have become a worldwide phenomenon all of which require research to prove the validity of the individual making the report. There have been…

In terms of religion, Do aliens pray?

David A. Weintraub, Professor of Astronomy at Vanderbilt University During your lifetime, astronomers will likely uncover solid evidence for the existence or the extreme rarity of life in…

Is it true that turtles can breathe via their butts?

It depends how you define “breathe” and “butts.” Everyone knows that most mammals breathe through the mouth and nose. Frogs, meanwhile, can breathe through their skin. But what…

Where are most of the volcanoes on Earth?

Is it the ring of fire? Or somewhere else? There are around 1,350 “potentially active volcanoes worldwide,” according to the U.S. Department of the Interior(opens in new tab), and…

Snake venom or fangs, which came first?

Snakes have specialized teeth to inject toxins into prey. A snake’s lightning-quick bite is the perfect way to inject venom into prey. Aiding and abetting this violent attack…

‘Unexpected’ discovery of ship from the reign of Queen Elizabeth I

Timbers from the hull of a 16th-century ship have been found in a flooded quarry in southeastern England. Much of the wooden hull of a rare Elizabethan-era ship…