
NASA’s New Vasimr Plasma Engine Could Reach Mars In Less Than 6 Weeks

Ad Astra Rocket Company of Texas recently received $10 million in funding from NASA to continue developing its Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR), an electromagnetic engine capable of launching a spacecraft to Mars in under 39 days.

NASA’s funding was part of the “12 Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnership.” Ad Astra’s rocket will travel ten times quicker than today’s chemical rockets while using one-tenth the amount of fuel.

NASA'S New VASIMR PLASMA ENGINE could reach MARS in less than 40 days

The VASIMR system would cut the trip to Mars by months according to Franklin Chang Diaz, a former MIT student, NASA astronaut, and now CEO of Ad Astra.According to Diaz, “this is like no other rocket that you may have seen in the past. It is a plasma rocket. The VASIMR Rocket is not used for launching things; it is used for things already in orbit. This is called “in-space propulsion.”
VASIMR heats plasma, an electrically charged gas, to exceptionally high temperatures using radio waves. The system then offers thrust by funneling the hot plasma out of the back of the engine. According to Diaz, VASIMR will save thousands of gallons of rocket fuel and tens of millions of dollars a year.

In the following video, Diaz explains in great detail the origins of space travel and why the magnetoplasma rocket technology will transform space travel and exploration.


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