
The crows that attacked a koala bear for straying too close to their nest

It appears that this koala has learned to fly. But under attack from two crows, angered that the cuddly marsupial was too close to their nest, it was forced into an extra-long leap between trees.

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Rude awakening: The koala’s snooze is brought to an abrupt end by the pecking of swooping crows

The koala had been sleeping in a eucalyptus tree on the outskirts of Adelaide, South Australia, when the crows swooped.

They pecked it hard on the head but it fought back, lashing out with his sharp claws.

A fierce battle of koalas under a nap and a crow with a surprise attack - GIGAZINE
Fight back: The marsupial takes a swipe at the bird with its sharp claws

Then it launched itself from its perch 80ft above ground, jumping up to 6ft from branch to branch. The crows were nothing if not persistent.

Their victim finally beat a retreat, climbing down a tree with the birds in pursuit.

koala bear getting attacked by two crows. | NeoGAF
Preparing for take-off: The koala plans its escape route

Koala expert Dr Deb Kelly in Adelaide said: ‘Normally a koala can jump about 3ft but it depends on its size, how heavy it is, if it is jumping up or down and how badly it wants to escape.’

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Leap: Jumping from the tree, the koala appears to fly

Though great climbers, koalas are not usually known for their athletic prowess. They sit motionless in the tree-tops for up to 18 hours a day, sleeping for most of that time.

They spend about half of their six active hours eating eucalyptus leaves, usually at night.

Indignant: Looking slightly miffed, the koala takes up a new branch to perch on
Defeated: Looking slightly miffed, the koala takes up position on a new branch

They are mostly placid but can be violent when disturbed, with teeth and claws that are capable of inflicting nasty injuries.

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