
Mysterious 1,600-year-old treasure is full of gold but grave robbers stay away

The ancient tomb of the mysterious woman is surprisingly intact among five other graves that have been severely looted, even though she is surrounded by treasure.

According to the Museum of East Bohemia in Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, archaeologists have literally and figuratively “digged for gold”.

A silver keychain inlaid with gold after restoration – Photo: East Bohemian museum

Excavations that started in 2019 studied six ancient tombs built at the end of the 5th century AD. However, 5 of the 6 tombs have been seriously damaged by grave robbers over the years, leaving almost nothing but intact remains.

The great mystery lies in the final grave, which has been identified as that of a woman who died at the age of 35-50. Her grave is completely intact and full of valuable artifacts, many of which are made of gold, silver, and precious stones. The team spent months analyzing and cataloging this 1,600-year-old treasure.

Artifacts when newly unearthed – Photo: Museum of East Bohemia

According to Acient Origins, the woman’s precious burial items are quite diverse: a sophisticated headdress decorated with many gold plates, 4 silver-plated silver keychains, encrusted with many precious stones, beautiful clasps. cloth still attached that may have belonged to a cloth or loose coat she wore when she died . . .

There are also many objects that may have been associated with her in life: a porcelain pot with traces of cooking meat, a bone comb, iron knives and many decorative glass beads, especially bones. An unidentified pet lay beside her.

Burial with gold and silver jewelry suggests that this Bohemian woman may have held a high position in her lifetime. She was also respected, so she was brought to the afterlife a great fortune at that time. With their age, treasures become even more valuable in this day and age.

One of the utensils buried with the dead – Photo: East Bohemian museum

All the skeletons of the other 5 graves are from 16-55, possibly indicating a family grave. 1 in 5 people have signs of cancer in the skull and pelvis. A skeleton showing signs of arthritis. It is not clear if they were buried with the same lavish burial items as the woman, as these tombs were looted many times and thoroughly.

The reason why the woman’s grave was never invaded by grave robbers is a great mystery, because her grave is not hidden or has anything special compared to the rest of the graves.


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