
A Calf With Six Legs Has Successful Surgery To Remove Extra Limbs

After a successful operation, Lilli, an animal who was born with six legs on a farm in Weissenburg, Switzerland, is making a full recovery in an Alpine animal sanctuary. The baby cow attracted attention across the world after being born on February 14 in the Simmental region with two extra legs attached to her shoulder.

Lilli the cow with six legs has surgery to remove extra limbs | Daily Mail Online

At first, doctors thought she wouldn’t survive. She started to run away from the mountain pastures, but her owner could not bear to put her down because she was so full of life. Andreas Knutti decided to sell her for £1,420 to an animal lover who was willing to pay for her surgery rather than put her to death.

Lilli the cow with six legs has surgery to remove extra limbs | Daily Mail Online

Vets in Bern performed surgery on June 14. During the four-hour process of removing the legs, they noticed a curvature in the cow’s vertebrae. They asserted that she had fully recovered and had no disabilities at the time.

Lilli the cow with six legs has surgery to remove extra limbs | Daily Mail Online

The calf has since been sent to the Gut Aiderbichl, an Alpine wildlife refuge located in Salzburg’s Henndorf am Wallersee region of Aᴜsᴛʀɪᴀ.

Bouncing back to health: Lilli (right) with new friend Lilliput (left) after surgery at her new animal sanctuary home

Owner of Gut Aiderbichl Michael Aufhauser claims that Lilli is recovering well after her surgery and has gotten back to having a normal appetite. She enjoys getting to know her fellow cows and is content and inquisitive about them.



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