
Mysterious Outer Space Stone Engraved With Hieroglyphics

Was a 1905 Cowichan meteor a message from outer space?

A meteor with a diameter of about 10 inches was hurled through space in 1908 and crashed over the Cowichan Valley in British Columbia, buried itself in the ground. The marble shaped meteor was engraved with unknown hieroglyphics.

In the summer of 1908, a peculiar occurrence occurred near the Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada. Around 11:30 p.m., a meteor about 10 inches in diameter was launched across space and buried itself in the earth about eight feet from where Willie McKinnon, the 14-year-old son of Mr. Angus McKinnon, was working in his father’s garden. Fortunately, the meteorite collision did not cause him any harm.

Miracle stone of Cowichan

When Mr. McKinnon arrived at the scene, he was surprised to see that the meteor was almost as round as a marble and that the hot surface was deeply carved with what appeared to be weird hieroglyphics. Willie quickly called his father to find out what had happened.

This startling story was published as a front-page newspaper article of Sept. 5, 1908, entitled, “A Message from Mars”.

Mr. McKinnon has spent the most of his life trying to understand the puzzling marks on the enigmatic stone ever since this bizarre episode occurred. However, the strange outer space stone appears to have never been examined in a proper way, because any of its research papers has not been found yet.

In the present day, its actual location is unknown and the ‘miracle stone of Cowichan’ remains an unexplained mystery that is untouched till to this date.

This fascinating story was recently published at the Cowichan Valley Citizen in January 2015, by TW Patterson who has been writing about British Columbia’s history for 50 years.


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