
Should Arsenal go for this prolific Frenchman that Thierry Henry likes “a lot”?

Arsenal is looking to improve its offense. Even before Gabriel Jesus’ injury, it was clear that two positions needed to be strengthened this winter.

After failing to do so last summer, an attacker and a capable midfielder were needed to be brought in. Jesus’ injury has only highlighted Arteta’s need for “new blood” in his attack. All indications point to Mudryk as Arsenal’s man, and some Gunners would gladly pick him up from Shakhtar Donetsk if it were up to them. However, Arsenal must find a way to meet the Ukrainian club’s high asking price for their attacking sensation.

While a deal for Mudryk remains a possibility, Arsenal is working on attacking alternatives behind the scenes. Rennes’ Martin Terrier is one option being considered. Anyone who has had the opportunity to watch Terrier would agree that he has the potential to be the next big thing to come out of Ligue 1.

This season, the Frenchman has 8 goals and 3 assists in 14 league games. Thierry Henry has already recognised his talent; after scoring 21 league goals in the 2021–22 Ligue 1 season, he asked Didier Deschamps to consider him for his World Cup squad, which he, unfortunately, did not make.

Martin Terrier confirms Rennes stay – Get French Football News

About Terrier, Henry said on Prime Video, as transcribed by GFFN, “We have seen other players get called up to the French national side, or other international sides, for less than what he’s done. There are lots of players to choose from; it’s not easy for Didier Deschamps. Is it deserved? I would prefer to say that, if he does get selected, it won’t be undeserved.”

“I like this player a lot. In any case, well done to him for what he’s done this season, even if it’s not yet over. The amount of goals he’s scored no-one would have predicted at the start of the season, not even him.”

Rennes' Martin Terrier out with a hamstring issue – Get French Football News

Arsenal has requested information on the 25-year-old, who is hoping for a big move in 2023, according to Media Foot. He could be signed for £35 million, but Arteta should act quickly if he wants him; Liverpool and Manchester United are also said to be interested.



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