
Achraf Hakimi’s incredible gesture for Mbappe’s goal that drove PSG fans wild

The Parc des Princes was once again back to lavishing praise on its king, Kylian Mbappe. With the other PSG stars out because Neymar had been sent off, and Lionel Messi is back in Argentina on vacation after the World Cup, the French striker once again saved his team.

Achraf Hakimi's incredible gesture for Mbappe's goal that drove PSG fans wild

In stoppage time with the scoreboard showing 1-1, Mbappe took responsibility yet again and took the penalty.

He wasn’t nervous, because if he wasn’t in the World Cup final, he wasn’t going to be in a Ligue 1 match either despite the fact that it was the last minute of the game.

Mbappe scored to make it 2-1 and everyone went wild. The striker celebrated by taking off his shirt because he really wanted to let loose after the defeat in the World Cup final.

So did all the PSG players and the bench with Galtier leading the way.

Achraf Hakimi and Kylian Mbappe becoming the best of friends at Paris  Saint-Germain - Football España

However, there was one gesture that caught the eye when all of Mbappe‘s teammates embraced the PSG No.7.

His friend and loyal teammate Achraf Hakimi picked up his jersey from the ground, lifted it up and showed it to the entire stands so that they could see the number 7 and Mbappe‘s name.

A flashy celebration to show the crowd who their idol is. The fans went crazy for Mbappe, the hero who gave PSG victory in the last match of the year.

Kylian Mbappe and Achraf Hakimi: a very special kind of bromance - The  Athletic

Then came the most animated celebration, between Mbappe, Sergios Ramos and Achraf himself, with a penguin-like dance that both Mbappe and Achraf showed off during the World Cup.



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