
‘You were more than a mate’ – Lionel Messi pays tribute to former team-mate Jordi Alba after he announced Barcelona exit

Lionel Messi wished Jordi Alba well after his former Barcelona team-mate announced he will leave the club this summer after 11 years at Camp Nou.

WHAT HAPPENED? The Catalan club confirmed on Wednesday that the 34-year-old will depart the club when his contract expires this summer. His long-time co-star Messi took to social media to pay tribute to the Spain international, wishing him success in his next move.

WHAT THEY SAID: “You were more than a team-mate, a true accomplice on the pitch… And how nice it is to also be able to enjoy how well we get along personally,” Messi wrote in an Instagram post.

“You know that I always wish you the best and also your family, I hope your new stage continues to bring you much success and joy. Thanks for everything, Jordi. A big hug!”

THE BIGGER PICTURE: The Barca legend joined the club from Valencia in 2012 and spent nine years playing alongside Messi until the Argentine’s departure in 2021. Alba won La Liga six times with Barcelona, along with five Copa del Rey crowns and the Champions League and Club World Cup on one occasion.


WHAT NEXT? Alba could be given the chance to make his final appearance at Camp Nou when Barca face Mallorca in their second last La Liga game of the season on Sunday.


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