
The eight foot aliens who live on ‘Earth 2.0’: Discovery of Proxima b just four light years away reignites bizarre 1950s claims beings from the area visit our planet

The European Southern Observatory made an announcement this week that could change life as we know it – ‘a second Earth’ was found orbiting the Proxima Centauri star system.

Now, the discovery of Proxima b has reopened a theory from the 1950s that suggests it is home to eight-foot humanoids known as Cenos aliens who have been visiting Earth for centuries.

This bizarre story comes from psychologists who claimed they spoke with a ‘lovable and childlike’ being that had eight hands and a body structure similar to a praying mantis known as ‘Hands’.

This bizarre story comes from psychologists who claimed they spoke with a ‘lovable and childlike’ being that had eight hands and a body structure similar to a praying mantis known as ‘Hands’, which was claimed to have been spotted in Taiwan in 2012 (picture form news station)

Thousands of exoplanets have been discovered before, but unlike the others, Proxima b is only four light years, or 25 trillion miles, away.

The red dwarf star it orbits is part of the star system Alpha Centauri, which consists of Alpha Centauri A, Alpha Centauri B and Proxima Centauri.

Now, alien hunters and Martian researchers alike are buzzing about the latest astronomical find, reports The Inquisitr.

Members of this community are revisiting the tale of the Cenos aliens from the Proxima Centauri star system that have not only been coming earth for thousands of years, but may also be living among us.

This comes from an alleged confession of an alien from the Alpha Centauri star system that was known as ‘Hands’.

It is said that Hands used a woman under hypnosis to reveal himself as an alien to a team of California psychologists in 1957.

This creature claimed to be from the Alpha Centauri star system and is a ‘lovable and childlike, but huge, being with a dome-shaped body and eight hands, with an intelligence that was perhaps somewhere between that of a human and a dog,’ according to the book ‘Hands: The True Account – A Hypnotic Subject Reports on Outer Space’, which was written by two of the psychologists.

Hands also explained that he and the rest of the 8-foot humanoids had multiple hearts that are five times stronger than the normal humans.

Cenos aliens do not need sleep nor do they suffer from diseases and they can live up to 120 years.

Members of this community are revisiting the tale of the Cenos aliens from the Proxima Centauri star system that have not only been coming earth for thousands of years. It is claimed the creatures have eight hands (Picture shows what is said to be a Cenos aliens)

It is said that Hands used a woman under hypnosis to reveal himself as an alien to a team of California psychologists in 1957. The highlighted section depicts what some say resembles a praying mantis

The book also describes spaceship these creatures used for travel that look similar to a spinning tape recorder, which they used to visit Earth during World War II, and to help earthlings build the Sphinx, Mayan pyramids and other puzzling monuments on our planet.

One of the most recent sightings occurred in 2012 when police officers were near the Jaiming Lake at the city of Taitung in Tawian and captured an image of what they say could be an ‘alien being’.

The Taiwan UFOlogy Society (TUFOS) made a public statement that the photo appears to be ‘a large alien creature, with a transparent body and webbed hands, walking in the distance,’ Taipei Times reported.

The European Southern Observatory made an announcement this week that could change life as we know it – ‘a second Earth’ was found orbiting the Proxima Centauri star system. The discovery of Proxima b has reopened a theory from the 1950s that suggests it is home to eight-foot humanoids known as Cenos aliens, who have been vising Earth for centuries

Huang Chao-ming, chairman of TUFOS, said police gave them the photo that was snapped with an iPhone 4 in order for the group to examine it further.

TUFOS spent a year determining whether the photo was in fact genuine, as the close-up image shows double exposure lines at the bottom.

They have used mobile phone technology, computer imagery and camera photography to study the photo, but have yet to confirm its authenticity.

Cenos aliens visited Earth during World War II, and to help earthlings build the Sphinx, Mayan pyramids and other puzzling monuments on our planet. One of the most recent sightings occurred in 2012 when police officers were near the Jaiming Lake at the city of Taitung in Tawian and captured an image (pictured) of what they say could be an ‘alien being’

TUFOS spent a year determining whether the photo was in fact genuine, as the close-up image shows double exposure lines at the bottom. They have used mobile phone technology, computer imagery and camera photography to study the photo, but have yet to confirm its authenticity

Scott C Waring from UFO Sightings Daily picked up the sighting in 2013 saying, ‘Experts at TUFOS are stating that it is real and that it is 250 cm tall, has a head of a praying mantis and is looking directly at the person taking the photos’, he writes in the blog.

‘Locals in the city of Taitung are saying they believe the small round lakes to be an entrance to an underground alien base.’

‘They also believe a large dirt mound is possibly an ancient pyramid in the area and could be acting as a communication device for aliens’.

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