
Little girls laugh as they hitch a ride on the back of a deadly giant python

If you have a phobia of snakes you may want to look away now

While coming face-to-face with a giant python might be enough to make even the most hardened snake lover a little squeamish, these little girls do not seem to be fazed in the slightest.

In fact, they seem to find the whole thing positively hilarious.

Astonishing footage shows the two girls giggling as they ride the giant snake , which is believed to be a reticulated python – one of longest and heaviest in the world.

The clip, which was filmed in Indonesia, has astounded social media users – racking up nearly three million views since it was published on Facebook.

Although nonvenomous, cases of people killed by reticulated pythons have been documented – with the serpent being able to open its jaws wide enough to swallow a human.

The shocking footage was filmed in Indonesia ( Image: News Dog Media)

But the girls seem to find the whole thing hilarious ( Image: News Dog Media)

The one-minute clip – which is filmed on a mobile phone – begins by showing a little girl with pigtails confidently sitting on the python.

Behind her, another girl in a yellow-sleeved dress can be seen crouching on the snake and she pulls a smiling face for the camera.

The one-minute clip shows the children laughing as the catch a ride ( Image: News Dog Media)

The footage cuts to the head of the huge snake ( Image: News Dog Media)

The child in the yellow-sleeved dress laughs and then stands up to move closer and sit next to her friend with the pigtails on the snake.



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