
Witness sea creatures carrying “treasures” more precious than gold on the bridge of their noses that people aspire to have

The English name of the narwhal is narwhal or narwhale, the scientific name is Monodon monocerus. This is a medium-sized whale, they are famous for their shape like having a long spiraling horn in front of their head, which makes many people think of mythical unicorns.

New Year's Eve and Bien have a "storehouse" song on the roof of the house

The part that looks like a narwhal’s horn is actually a special tooth. This is a spirally developed canine and elongated protrusion, similar to ivory.

New Year's Eve and Bien have a new "storehouse" song on the roof-Hinh-2

New Year's Eve and Bien have a new "storehouse" song on the roof-Hinh-3A male narwhal has only one tusk that elongates. The tusk grows throughout the life of the narwhal and reaches a length of 1.5 to 3.1 m with a weight of about 10 kg.

New Year's Eve and Bien bring a new "storehouse" song on the roof-Hinh-4Most male narwhals have left tusks, only about 1 in 500 males develop right tusks. Meanwhile, only 15% of female narwhals have tusks.

New Year's Eve and Bien have a "storehouse" shift on the roof-Hinh-5The tusks of the female are smaller and not spiral. Only one previously documented case of a female narwhal had two tusks. The narwhal’s tusk does not play a big role in life.

New Year's Eve and Bien bring the "storehouse" shift to the top of the roof-Hinh-6Females without long teeth still live as long as males. Many other theories have been put forward about its uses such as breaking ice, sensing temperature, navigating or hunting… However, these theories have not really been proven.

New Year's Eve and Bien bring the song "store bau" to become more famous on the roof-Hinh-7In the Middle Ages, it was believed that cutting the horns of a narwhal and grinding them into a powder could cure all diseases. Not only that, the narwhal’s horn is also used in many works of art. The Danish king’s throne in the 1600s was also decorated with narwhal teeth.

New Year's Eve and Bien have a new "storehouse" song on the roof-Hinh-8Today, their beauty and rarity are still hunted by the super-rich. Estimates of the price of narwhal tusks range from $4,000-15,700 and are often compared to gold.

New Year's Eve and Bien have a new "storehouse" song on the roof-Hinh-9Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603) once paid the equivalent of a castle to own rare narwhal tusks . So, to make a profit, people have hunted and hunted narwhals a lot.

New Year's Eve and Bien bring the "storehouse" shift to the top of the roof-Hinh-10Although the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) does not classify narwhals as immediately endangered, the 75,000 individuals alive today in the wild are still potentially threatened.

New Year's Eve and Bien bring the song "store bau" to become more famous on the roof-Hinh-11Besides, this animal is affected by global warming. As the Earth warms, the lower Arctic sea ice cover will make the narwhal more vulnerable to both hunting by humans and natural predators like fish. killer elephant.

New Year's Eve and Bien have a new "storehouse" song on the roof-Hinh-12Unicorns can live up to 50 years. They hide under ice or stay underwater for long periods of time to escape predators, instead of running away. Natural enemies of narwhals are polar bears, walruses, killer whales and Greenland sharks.

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