
100,000 years old electrical connector found in a stone

Researchers who have looked at the artifact say that it is an electrical part set in stone that is 100,000 years old.

It is an artifact that not many people have heard of, but its parts are very interesting. Over the years, a lot of things have been found that don’t fit with what most people think about history, archaeology, and anthropology.

In 1998, an electrical engineer named John. J. Williams was hiking in North America when he saw what looked like an electrical connector sticking out of the ground. The object was found in the middle of nowhere, far away from cities, airports, factories, electronic or nuclear plants, and other places where people live. Williams dug deeper into the ground and found a device with three plugs that was built into the rock.

Williams wouldn’t say where the object was found, which has led skeptics to think that this artifact is just another fake. Does it?

Today, the artifact is called the Petradox. It is a device that has an electrical part that is embedded in solid granite. Granite is a stone made of quartz, feldspar, and small amounts of mica. The object is shrouded in a great deal of mystery.

Williams has been offered as much as $500,000 for the device, but he has turned them down. Williams said, though, that any researcher can look at the artifact and study it. So far, only a few people have taken the time to look at the strange object, which looks exactly like an electrical part.

The Petradox is not a fossil, accretion, concretion, or pumice. It doesn’t have any known resins, cement, glues, adhesives, limestone, mortar, or other binding substances that aren’t made of rhyolite or granite. It’s not easy.

The part has a diameter of about 8 mm, and each of its pins is about 3 mm tall. The distance between the pins is about 2.5 mm, and each pin is about 1 mm thick.

Williams, who had an engineer and a geologist look at the object, says that the electronic part that is embedded in the granite shows no sign of being glued or welded in any known way. This means that the part was already there when the rock was made.

Geological analysis has led scientists to believe that the “rock” is at least 100,000 years old, which is impossible if you think it was made by humans. Based on what we know about how technology has changed over time, it is impossible for people to have made something like this at that time.

Some researchers have said that the device is like an electronic XLR connector or a similar part. The artifact has a weak magnetic pull, and the readings from the ohmmeter show that the pins are either open or have a very high resistance.

The object does not look like it is made of wood, plastic, metal, rubber, or any other material that can be easily identified. Williams won’t let the object be broken in half so it can be studied, but X-rays have shown that the center of the stone has a mysterious “opaque internal structure.”

Williams says that melted blobs of a material that looks like metal around the edge of the component show that a metal object near the Petradox was heated to such high temperatures that it melted and splashed or sputtered molten metal onto the embedded component.

Skeptics are sure that this electrical part that is 100,000 years old is a fake, but Williams does not agree.

He is sure that he has found a real artifact from a highly developed ancient civilization or a race from another planet. Williams is willing to let researchers check the authenticity of the artifact as long as he is there during the analysis and the rock is not damaged


Some people think that science doesn’t care about these things because they are scared of what they might find out. The artifact could be one of two things.

Even if it turns out to be an elaborate hoax, it could change how we look at history and where we came from.

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