
The 5 most dangerous snakes on the planet

Encountering one of these dangerous snakes can cost the victim with his life.

1. Domestic Taipan Snake

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According to the International Journal of Neuropharmacology , the domestic Taipan snake ( Oxyuranus microlepidotus ) is one of the most venomous snakes in the world. They live hidden in the clay crevices of floodplains in Queensland and southern Australia.

When the taipan feels threatened, the snake will roll its body into an S-shape, like a compressed spring, before darting out with an extremely quick bite.

The main ingredient in the venom of this snake is the enzyme hyaluronidase. This enzyme increases the rate of poison absorption in the victim’s body. Usually, just one drop of its venom is enough to kill its prey. Even an adult will fall into a coma, leading to death if accidentally exposed to this terrifying venom.

2. King Cobra


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The king cobra ( Ophiophagus hannah ) is the longest venomous snake in the world, measuring up to 5.4 meters. The recognizable feature of cobras is their extendable neck gill region.

The danger of a cobra is not the potency of the venom, but the amount of venom injected into the victim. Accordingly, in each bite, the snake will inject about 7 ml of venom into the victim, not to mention that the snake tends to attack with 3 or 4 consecutive bites.

This causes the victim to quickly go into anaphylactic shock after a few minutes. It is estimated that the amount of poison injected by a snake from a bite can kill an adult human in 15 minutes, or an adult elephant in just a few

3. Black Mamba Snake

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The Black Mamba ( Dendroaspis polylepis ) is the most dangerous snake in Africa, when it can kill an adult with just 2 drops of venom.

Notably, black mamba snakes are born with 2-3 drops of venom in each tooth, so they are extremely dangerous when they are young. As adults, they can hold up to 20 drops of venom inside each fang.

Black Mamba snake venom leads to paralysis and cardiac arrest. Therefore, if left untreated, the bite of this African snake is always fatal.

4. Boomslang Snake

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The Boomslang snake ( Dispholidus typus ) can be found throughout Africa, and is one of the most venomous snakes in the world. The venom of this snake contains anticoagulants, causing the victim to die from internal and external bleeding.

As described by Scientific American , victims of Boomslang snake bites will immediately experience severe bleeding. Blood will ooze from the victim’s eyes, nose, gums… and even in the victim’s urine, saliva and vomit, until they die.

5. Saw Scale Viper Snake

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The saw-scaled viper ( Echis carinatus ) is the smallest member of the “Quad” in India, regularly responsible for snakebite-related deaths in the country.

When feeling threatened, these snakes make a “sizzling” sound by rubbing their distinctive, serrated scales.

When bitten by a viper, the victim will experience local swelling and pain, followed by bleeding. Like the Boomslang snake, the Viper’s venom disrupts the ability of blood to clot, so it can cause the victim to bleed to death.





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