

To report this unique discovery let’s go back to 1961, the protagonist of this case is an experienced pilot named Harry Gibson. He flew off one day in his little single-engine plane, like he normally did, to enjoy the wonderful view of the Venezuelan jungle in the Sarisarinama region.

Sarisarinama: The forbidden sink only scientists can access because of what's inside 2

Sarisariñama Tepui plateau with the huge Sima Mayor Shaft 300 m in diameter. © Image Credit: Researchegate

At the time, the area was a veritable sea of green, completely untouched, and only a few researchers dared to approach.  The reason for the lack of research was a large number of tales of wild creatures residing in this region, as well as the various hazards that existed there.

Harry observed that a section of the forest was missing after taking off and nearing the densest and tallest area of the woodland. In place of the trees, there was a massive and spectacular pit.  Harry was astounded by the finding because no one had ever heard of such a massive hole in that area before.

It appeared to be an entryway to the core of the Earth or some other mysterious spot.  That day, Harry came home, wondering if what he had seen was genuine or an optical illusion.

He then decided to investigate more and returned to that location.  He considered landing his jet as near to the massive crater as possible, but that was impossible because there was nowhere to land. It was a region full of trees and dense forest.

As a result, the location remained shrouded in mystery for decades, as no one had the bravery or the necessary conditions to visit it. Expeditions were arranged for more than a decade, but none were successful in reaching the location. It wasn’t until 1974 that a helicopter team managed to land on top of a mountain near the hole and discovered that there were not just one, but multiple massive holes.

Sarisarinama – Sucre, Venezuela - Atlas Obscura

Several expeditions ascended the mountain in 1976 to study these massive openings in the earth, and the location became a historical landmark for the Venezuelan government. What lies within the hole is the fundamental reason for the location being regarded as a scientific treasure….

The sinkholes (holes) of Sarisarinama are located in the national park of Jaua-Sarisariama, a location that is now one of Venezuela’s greatest resources. The nearest road and town are hundreds of kilometers away from these potholes.

All sinkholes are found on the peaks of extremely high flat mountains (2350 meters high). Sarisarinama Mountain is densely forested, with trees ranging in height from 15 to 25 meters. So far, four sinkholes have been identified on the mountain’s summit. But what is the major secret that these gaps conceal?

It has wholly unique living forms that can only be found here and nowhere else in the world. In reality, this hostile environment has produced incredible exotic fauna and flora throughout the years.

Here dwell some of the most intriguing species, some of which are still being explored. It is strictly illegal to visit the location due to its richness. This region is only accessible to government-registered scientists.


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