
Marvel Star Mark Ruffalo Stands Up for Indigenous Communities Healing From the Violence of Colonization: ‘But the truth is we will win’

Mark Ruffalo is known for his acting roles in Hollywood blockbusters such as the Avengers series, but the actor is also a passionate advocate for Indigenous communities. Recently, Ruffalo has spoken out about the violence of colonization and the impact it has had on Indigenous communities, particularly in the land of the Wet’suwet’en First Nation in British Columbia. On January 19th, 2023, Ruffalo shared an article on his Twitter handle written by Brandi Morin about The Unist’ot’en Healing Center.

Mark RuffaloMark RuffaloThe Unist’ot’en Healing Center

The Unist’ot’en Healing Center is a sanctuary to help revitalize the cultural and spiritual practices of the Wet’suwet’en people to heal from generations of trauma stemming from the colonization of Indigenous lands, peoples, and their cultures. The center was initially dreamed up by Wet’suwet’en tribal member Dr. Karla Tait and her aunt Freda Huson, who recognized the importance of healing both the land and the people in order to preserve their culture and way of life.

Unist'ot'en Healing CentreUnist’ot’en Healing Centre

The article highlights the struggle and realization of stuggle of these people and aspects of their lives that have been  eroded over time because of colonization, like food sovereignty, or their governance system, which is still intact. They still have their laws and teachings, but they also have this colonial system too, that ends up competing with the traditional.

Herditary Cheif of the Wet'suwet'en NationHereditary Chief of the Wet’suwet’en Nation


However, the purpose of the article was not just bringing light to their struggle that was in past but it focused more on the present struggles. The healing center is facing more threats than just logging. Hunting and harvesting traditional foods in the area is becoming scarce and the Wet’suwet’en territories are threatened by a multi-billion dollar liquified natural gas (LNG) pipeline currently being constructed. Over the past several years, Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs and land defenders including Tait, Michell, Huson, other family members and supporters have endured multiple militarized police raids and arrests while attempting to stop the pipeline.

Standing Up for Indigenous Rights: Mark Ruffalo’s Advocacy

It all began a decade ago, when an industrial company landed near Mark Ruffalo’s farm in upstate New York. The actor was shocked by the destructive influence of the company on the people and habitat in the area, and he began to speak out against the encroachment. Since then, Mark Ruffalo has been a vocal advocate for Indigenous rights and the protection of their land and resources.


Mark Ruffalo in a ProtestMark Ruffalo in a Protest


In March 2022, Mark Ruffalo joined forces with Indigenous climate activists to persuade the Royal Bank of Canada to cut ties with Coastal Gaslink, a multi-billion dollar company that threatens the habitat of the Salmon People and plans to drill under the Wedzin Kwa. The Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs have opposed the corporation’s plans for the land since 2012, but they have been met with police violence and the arrest of activists and allies.

Mark Ruffalo is one of the few activists who are speaking out against the pipeline corporation. He shared the article on Twitter with the caption

“…we can’t do anything in the courts. So that’s all we can do right now. But the truth is we will win. The truth of the corruption of what the governments and CGL are doing has to come to the light. I feel at peace about that.”.

This statement is from the article itself that highlights the state of mind of people who are suffering from the action of exploitation both in past and present. It also shows the strength of believe in justice and truth.

Mark Ruffalo’s activism for Indigenous rights shows that Hollywood celebrities can use their platform to bring attention to important issues and advocate for marginalized communities. The actor’s commitment to standing up for Indigenous communities and their right to protect their land and resources serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggles that Indigenous peoples face in their fight for justice and self-determination. The Unist’ot’en Healing Center is a vital sanctuary for Indigenous people to heal from the trauma of colonization and preserve their culture and way of life. However, the center and the Wet’suwet’en people are facing multiple threats to their land and resources. Mark Ruffalo’s advocacy brings attention to these issues and the need for transparency and accountability from corporations and governments and proves he is not just a reel life Superhero.

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